Greatest Kılavuzu C# IStructuralEquatable Nasıl kullanılır için

Greatest Kılavuzu C# IStructuralEquatable Nasıl kullanılır için

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That is, you kişi create your own definition of structural equality and specify that this definition be used with a collection type that accepts the IStructuralEquatable interface.

In this case you don't want to change your class implementation so you don't wantoverride the Equals method. this will define a general way to compare objects in your application.

It differs from reference equality, which indicates that two object references are equal because they reference the same physical object.

Hatmızın mafevkdaki satırlarında da bahsettiğimiz kabilinden struct C#’ta value type yaratabileceğimiz gestaltdır.

Ee sözcük gelimi struct gestaltsında da new işletmenünü kullanırsak şayet ha ilişkin yapıdan bir nesne üretilecektir ama struct bir ölçü tipli değişken binasında evetğundan dolayı o nesne belleğin Stack kısmında korunum edilecektir.

– Royi Namir Commented Mar 3, 2012 at 18:04 @RoyiNamir user844541's answer is correct, but maybe it is still hard for you to understand without a concrete example, if you are familiar with IEqualityComparer and how it is used by Linq's Distinct(), then after check the source code to see how it implement IStructuralEquatable on…, then you will see how it work.

1 My understanding is that it's used for collection like types, and encapsulates the structural part of the comparison, but leaved the comparison of the elements to a comparer passed in by the user. But I'm hamiş really sure if I really got it.

Fakat, articles1 ve articles3 dizileri aynı makale sarrafiyelıklarına farklı sıralarda iye olduğundan, CompareTo metodu farklı bir boy bos döndürür ve bu dizilerin strüktürel olarak hemayar olmadığını belirtir.

(doesn't violate documentation), but it is clearly derece kakım good as it would be if 0 were replaced with i. Also there's no reason to loop if the code were just going to use a single value from the array.

If you read this entire post and are thinking wow C# IStructuralEquatable nerelerde kullanılıyor that is a lot of code and steps to remember then do derece fear because Dustin told me and showed me that Visual Studio will generate all of this for you!!!!! Check this out:

To achieve this, employee objects with matching SSN properties would be treated bey logically equal, even if they were not structurally equal. Share Improve this answer Follow

Defines methods to support the comparison of objects for structural equality. Structural equality means that two objects are equal because they have equal values.

You observations does not conflict with the documentation and there is no bug in the implementation.

Specifically, I do not know the exact type of the object. The only assumption I make is that it inherit from IStructuralEquatable.

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